Advent Calendar 2023 for testers

Advent is a time of waiting for Christmas. This year, it started on Dec 03 and it's 22 days long.Advent calendar is a kind of game in which kids discover new things every day when they wait for Christmas. Sometimes they get a small gift, sometimes learn something new, sometimes have to do something good for others.This page is a proposal of an advent calendar for testers. Proposal to spend this time learning something new about software testing.

Here's a challenge for you: each day, a new tile will be enabled. Each tile contains a link to a youtube video or a blog post.Every day, find the new tile and learn something new :)
Day 1 - Dec 3rd 2023
Day 2 - Dec 4th 2023
and so on...
Happy learning! Go and find today's piece of knowledge.

Your fellow tester,
Krystian Kubowicz